Household support fund

Household details

Household income


State pension
How much do you receive £
How often is this paid?

Private pension
How much do you receive £
How often is this paid?

How much do you receive £
How often is this paid?

How much do you receive £
How often is this paid?



Why are you asking for this support

Voucher and payments for energy bills

The council may be able to refer you to Kent County Council for financial help with your energy bill.  
To do this the following information is required:

Your details will be passed to Kent County Council so they can process your application and issue an energy voucher if you are eligible and have not already received a voucher through this scheme.

Your details will be treated in accordance with the privacy statement for Kent County Council, the link to view these details is here Privacy statement - Kent County Council

Additional items

If you have requested any of these items, you will be contacted if we receive additional funding and it is possible to make an award.
If you are looking for assistance with white goods, beds, boiler replacement or servicing, please complete a home essentials application form

An additional application form will be sent to you.


Third party declaration


We will use the information you give in this form and any supporting evidence you send us to process applications for Council Tax Reduction, change of circumstances, or to determine Council Tax Liability. We may pass the information to other agencies or organisations such as the Department for Work and Pensions, the Jobcentre Plus and HM Revenue and Customs, as allowed by the law. By law, we may check the information you have provided, or information provided about you by someone else, against other information we already have. We may also ask other agencies, organisations, local authorities or government departments to give us information they have about you. This is to make sure the information is accurate, prevent or detect crime and protect public funds.

These third parties include government departments, local authorities and private-sector companies such as banks and organisations that may lend you money. We will not give information about you to anyone else, or use information about you for other purposes unless the law allows us to. Folkestone & Hythe District Council is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998. If you want to know more about what information we have about you, or the way we use that information, you can ask.