Notification of end of tenancy

Reason for ending tenancy

Tenant/Power of Attorney

Type of property

You must give at least 4 weeks notice of your intention to end your tenancy. The 4 weeks must always take effect from a Monday and your termination date must also be a Monday. Your notice period cannot begin until we receive your signed termination form

Council garage

Tenancy termination

When a tenant dies their tenancy does not automatically end. 
The council may need to serve a Notice to Quit (NTQ) on the property to legally bring the tenancy to an end.  The Notice to Quit must always run from a Monday, with a notice period of 4 full weeks. 
The notice period will start from the first Monday after we are notified of the death, unless otherwise agreed in advance. 

Property information


Please package the lifeline emergency call unit  up and leave it in the property, along with any pendants. A maintenance inspection of the property is required no later than 7 days before the end of the tenancy.  We will contact you to make an appointment.

Details of the person dealing with the deceased tenants affairs


Any items left in the property or gardens will be regarded as unwanted and may be disposed of.  Please note that you will be charged for the cost of disposal 
I declare that nobody will be left living in the property after the termination date

Please be aware that once we have received this signed termination form you cannot change the decision to end the tenancy. If an approach is made to the Council’s Housing Options Team for help with rehousing once you have returned this form the occupant may be classed as being ‘intentionally homeless’ and may not be offered alternative accommodation.

Any items left in the property or gardens will be regarded as unwanted and may be disposed of.  The cost of disposal will be charged to the deceased tenants' estate.  Please note that if you are not an 'executor' of the deceased (named in a Will) any items removed from the property are cleared at your own risk.