Application to modify or discharge a planning obligation under S106Aor S106B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Required hidden information
Record Type
Queue Record Id
Customer details
Your name
Company name
Company address (including postcode)
Phone number
Are you the applicant or the agent?
Applicant details
Full name
Address including postcode
Email address
Contact number
Application details
Planning application number
Site address, including postcode
Description of planning obligation - give sufficient information to enable the identification of the planning obligations you wish to modify or discharge
Type of application
Modification of the planning obligation
Discharge of the planning obligation
State why you are applying for the modification of the planning obligation identified above
State why you are applying for the discharge of the planning obligation identified above
Give details of any additional information that you consider relevant to the determination of this application
State the nature of the applicant's interest in the land
An application for the modification or discharge of a planning obligation shall be accompanied by a certificate, either Certificate A, B or C
Select the relevant certificate you require to complete
Certificate A - to be completed where on the day 21 days before the date of the accompanying application the planning obligation to which the application relates was enforceable against nobody other than the applicant.
Certificate B - to be completed where the applicant gives notice of the application to any person (other than the applicant) against whom, 21 days before the date of the application, the planning obligation to which the application relates was enforceable; and whose name and address is known to the applicant.
Certificate C - to be completed where the applicant needs to give notice of the application to any person (other than the applicant) against whom, 21 days before the date of the application, the planning obligation to which the application relates was enforceable; but where the names and addresses of all such persons are NOT known to the applicant after he/she has taken reasonable steps to ascertain the information. The applicant shall during the 21day period immediately preceding the application, publish notice of the application in a local newspaper.
Certificate under Regulation 4 - Certificate A
I certify that o
n the day 21 days before the date of the accompanying application the planning obligation to which the application relates was enforceable against nobody other than the applicant
On behalf of
Certificate under Regulation 4 - Certificate B
I certify that t
he applicant has given the required notice to everyone else against whom, on the day 21 days before the date of the accompanying application the planning obligation to which the application relates was enforceable as listed below
I certify that I have given the required notice to
everyone else against whom, on the day 21 days before the date of the accompanying application the planning obligation wo which the application relates was enforceable as listed below
Name of person on whom notice served
Address at which notice was served
Date on which notice was served
On behalf of
Certificate under Reg 4 - Certificate C
I confirm
the applicant has taken reasonable steps to ascertain the owners of the land
notice of this application has been published in a local newspaper during the 21 day period preceding this application
I confirm
I have taken reasonable steps to ascertain the owners of the land
Notice of this application has been published in a local newspaper during the 21 day period preceding this application
Name of newspaper in which the notice was published
Date of publication
Upload a copy of the press notice
On behalf of
Details of supporting documentation to be submitted with your application.
Upload a copy of OS plan showing the boundary of the land in red
Upload other supporting information
I/We hereby apply for the modification or discharge of a planning obligation under Section 106A of the Town & Country Act 1990 in accordance with the details above and the submitted plan(s) and documents
On behalf of