Community Infrastructure Levy Review 2022

Your details

Comments on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule and its associated evidence documents

Draft charging schedule, July 2022


(If you would like to see a document amended in any way, it would be helpful if you could explain what changes you are seeking)

CIL Viability Assessment and Appendices, August 2022


(If you would like to see a document amended in any way, it would be helpful if you could explain what changes you are seeking)

Infrastructure Funding Gap Statement, July 2022


(If you would like to see a document amended in any way, it would be helpful if you could explain what changes you are seeking)

Infrastructure Schedule, June 2022


(If you would like to see a document amended in any way, it would be helpful if you could explain what changes you are seeking)

Specific page/paragraph


(If you would like to see a document amended in any way, it would be helpful if you could explain what changes you are seeking)

Participation at the Independent Examination of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule

Further notification on progress with the examination of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule