Christmas support payment for wet-led pubs application form

Business Details

This is on your bill and begins with a 6

You are not eligible for Christmas support payment for wet-led pubs

Applicant Details

Business details

(as registered with companies house)

Business information

e.g. hairdressers, restaurant etc

Bank details


The maximum level of aid that a company may receive is €800,000 (€120,000 per undertaking active in the fishery and aquaculture sector or €100,000 per undertaking active in the primary production of agricultural products). This is across all UK schemes under the terms of the European Commission’s Temporary Framework.

Details of aid received

You do not qualify for the grant as you are not wet led

I declare

  • I am authorised to sign on behalf of the business
  • These premises are not for personal use
  • The business derives less than 50% of its income from food sales
  • This business has not exceeded state aid limits
  • I have filled out this form and declare that the information given within it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge

The Government will not accept deliberate manipulation and fraud – and any business caught falsifying its records to gain additional grant money will face prosecution and any funding issued will be subject to claw back, as may any grants paid in error.


The Council will be carrying out spot checks on businesses that have claimed the grant to ensure they are closed.