Small business rates relief

Details of rate payer

Give the full address off

All hereditaments (properties) in England occupied by the rate payer must be listed.  It should be noted that, for any particular day, the billing authority will disregard the ratepayer's occupation of an additional hereditament (property) in England where:

(a) Pre 01.04.2017 its rateable value shown in the local non-domestic rating listing for that day is not more than £2,599. 

Post 01.04.2017 its rateable value shown in the local non-domestic rating listing for that day is not more than £2.899

(b) Pre 01.04.2017 the aggregate rateable value on that day of all the hereditaments (properties) the ratepayer occupies in England is not more than £25,499 (where the hereditament (property) for which relief is situated in Greater London) or £17,999 (where the hereditament (property) for which relief is situated outside Greater London).

Post 01.04.2017 the aggregate rateable value on that day of all the hereditaments (properties) the ratepayer occupies in England is not more than £27,999 (where the hereditament (property) for which relief is situated in Greater London) or £19,999 (where the hereditament (property) for which relief is situated outside Greater London).


It is a criminal offence to give false information when making an application for small business rate relief.

The application must be authorised by the ratepayer or a person authorised to sign on behalf of the ratepayer.  This means where the rate payer is - a partnership, a partner of that partnership; a trust, a trustee of that trust; a body corporate, a director of that body and in any other case, a person duly authorised to sign on behalf of the ratepayer.

I have filled in this form and declare that the information given within it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  I confirm that the hereditaments listed on this form are the only hereditaments in England occupied by those declared on the form.

I will immediately tell the Council's Business Rates Team within 21 days, if the circumstances change.  This can include people moving in and out of the property.

We will use the information you give in this form and any supporting evidence you send us, to process this application.   We may pass the information to other agencies or organisations such as the HM Revenue and Customs, as allowed by the law.  By law, we may check the information you have provided, or information provided about you by someone else, against other information we already have.  We may also ask other agencies, organisations, local  authorities or government departments to give us information they have about you.  This is to make sure the information is accurate, prevent or detect crime and protect public funds.  

These third parties include government departments, local authorities and private-sector companies such as banks and organisations that may lend you money.  We will not give information about you to anyone else, or use  information about you for other purposes unless the law allows us to.  Folkestone & Hythe District Council is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998.